Registration Fee
Register Now
Early Bird Rate (on or before 3 June 2016): HK$1,400
(US$180 / RMB1,200)
Regular/On-site Rate (after 3 June 2016): HK$1,600
(US$205 / RMB1,400)
Full Time Student:
(Full time student ID card must be presented as proof.)


Fee will include

  • Admission to all scientific sessions on 6th and 7th July
  • Admission to coffee/tea on 6th and 7th July


Registration Procedure
Participants can register for the conference by the following methods:
A. Register ONLINE
B. Complete the registration form and return it with appropriate payment to the Conference Secretariat.  Upon receipt of completed registration form and full payment, the Secretariat will issue a letter of confirmation by email.

To enjoy the early bird rate, registration and payment must be received no later than 3 June 2016.


Payment of registration fees must be made by Cheque or International Bank Draft in Hong Kong Dollar payable to “International Conference Consultants Ltd.” and mail to APeHRC 2016 Conference Secretariat (See address below).


Rules and Regulations

  1. Registration form without payment will NOT be processed. Please do NOT send cash.
  2. Conference Secretariat will send a letter of confirmation by email upon receipt of your registration form and full payment.
  3. Cancellations must be made in writing to the Conference Secretariat and the refund will be made after the conference. If cancellation is received on or before 7 June 2016, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. Thereafter, there is no refund of registration fee. Please note that substitution is permitted on the basis that written notice is received before 7 June 2016.
  4. The programme is subject to change without prior notice.  In the event of cancellation of the Conference, the only liability of the Organisers is to refund the registration fees paid.
  5. All enquiries, changes and cancellations should be made in writing to the Conference Secretariat.

For enquiry, please contact:
APeHRC 2016 Conference Secretariat
c/o International Conference Consultants Ltd
Office address:  Unit C-D, 17/F, Max Share Centre, 373 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2559 9973
Fax: (852) 2547 9528


Supporting Organisations
Supporting Organisations are arranged in alphabetical order.