The Official Website of the Greater China eHealth Forum 2011

"Connect. Collaborate. Care."
7-8 Oct 2011, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong

Call for Papers/Posters: Abstract Submission Form


General Information

  1. The abstract must be written in English (for English tracks) or Chinese (for Chinese/Putonghua tracks).
  2. Deadline: abstracts MUST BE RECEIVED no later than 7 May 2011.
  3. A confirmation receipt will be emailed with a unique abstract submission number assigned.
  4. Notification of acceptance will be notified by email by 31 July 2011.
  5. Please indicate the conference topic(s) your abstract relates to (more than one selections allowed)
  6. Please indicate the intended format of presentation a) Oral or b) Poster (Recommendations will be made based on quality of papers submitted and availability of sessions). Details about oral and poster presentation will be notified to authors of accepted abstracts later.
  7. Principal author, co-authors or the faculty of oral or poster presentation need to register before the registration deadline on 31 August 2011 and attend the meeting for presentation in person.
  8. All accepted abstracts for oral or poster presentations will be included in published material which will distributed at the Forum's web site.

Content of the Abstract

  1. Abstracts are limited to 300 words in English or 400 words in Chinese.
  2. Format of abstract: Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion.
  3. Limit author list to 10.
  4. Affiliation or Institutions should be clearly stated.
  5. References and credits, if any, should be included in the abstract.
  6. Formulas should be avoided.
  7. Use standard abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.

Your Submission

Details of Presenting Author

(* denotes required fields.)
Title (Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, others)*:
First Name*:
Last Name*:
Organization / Institution*:
Correspondence Address*:
Tel (Office)*:
Tel (Mobile/Pager)*:
Email*: (Please ensure you input your email address accurately.)

Proposed Topic(s)

Please choose one or more.
1. eHealth Record in Greater China & Worldwide
2. Health Data Exchange
3. Health Data Standards for Interoperability
4. Confidentiality, Security and Privacy of Medical Record
5. Building Capacity for IT in Health
6. Improving Quality & Safety
7. Disease Surveillance and Monitoring
8. Public eHealth
9. Aging as a Driving Factor for eHealth
10. Mobile Health / Telehealth
11. Public-Private Partnership
12. eHealth Certification

Presentation Format Preferred



Title of Abstract:

Body of Abstract:


(Abstract Submission Deadline: 7 May 2011. If you have any problem submitting your abstract using this online form, please contact the Secretary of the Scientific Program Committee by emailing Thank you.)

Form last updated on 21 Feb 2011.