eHealth Consortium Limited


eHealth Forum 2006 (September)

The Forum is the signature event of the eHealth Consortium, a multi-sectoral collaboration in Hong Kong to promote the application and awareness of using information technology (IT) in maintaining health in the community.

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TDC Event



The ICT Pavilion brought together product and service providers showcasing their latest technologies and applications in this fast-paced sector, enabling companies to find the best ICT solutions and business partners for their operations. ... Back to Top


Capacity Building - Trainings to Private Doctors (August)

Essential eHealth Skills Workshop was successful in creating awareness amongst health care workers.

The EESW consisted of lectures, skills lab and eHealth forum. It focused on the application of eHealth technology and solution based trainings on practical usage of common eHealth application.

A questionnaire was given to the participants after the completion of the Workshop in August. Among 849 attendants, 75% considered that a re-run is necessary. Overall, 66% rated the workshop good and excellent.

From the feedback, the participants considered that they would increase the use of IT in the clinic management. The need of using IT was recognized by the private medical practitioners, but the need was not strong and the demand was generally not yet obvious. If resources were given, it was recommended to re-run the Workshop and to explore more channels to increase the coverage of the course, e.g. e-learning packages and other electronic channels. ... Back to Top


IT in Health Forum (July)


Internet Professional Association (iProA) and the Department of Health jointly organized the "IT in Health Forum" in July 2003 under the initiatives of "DO IT Campaign" of the Legislative Councilor Hon. Mr. SIN Chung Kai.
The Forum provided a platform for knowledge exchange amongst IT and healthcare professionals to explore methods and share experiences on disease control and prevention.
The Forum was officiated by Honorary Guests including HKSAR Government officials Dr E.K. Yeoh, JP, Secretary for Health, Wealfare and Food; Dr Margaret Chan, JP, Director, Department of Health; Mr. Alan Wong, JP, Director, Information Technology Services Department; then Legislative Councilor (IT), Mr. Chun-kai Sin; and the past President of iProA Dr Elizabeth Quat. It was well attended by a good number of Healthcare professionals and IT industry players from US, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, and HK, more than 400 delegates participated this first eHealth event in HK. ... Back to Top