eHC Free Seminars Series 2011
eHealth Consortium is pleased to announce a free quarterly seminar series in 2011 for members and the public, with the aims to boost the awareness of ehealth adoption for improved care delivery. Limited seats available, REGISTER NOW!
18 May 2011 (Wednesday)@ 18:15 to 18:30 EGM for members (Registration starts at 18:00)
@ 18:30 to 19:30 Seminar for public (Registration starts at 18:20)
Room 607, the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, 3 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong KongTOPIC
(Updated on 11 May 2011)
Information Technology Advancement in Nursing – Challenge & Reality
"Healthcare workers need rapid access to patient information, medical records and resources as well as patient self access information electronically. Wit h the Information Technology advancement, Health Care providers can offer optimum patient care, while reducing the risk of human errors through the latest wireless technology.
"In view of this, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital has Paediatric Unit & Integrated Unit as its first pilot nursing floor to implement such information technology advancement. Ms Gladys HO, Unit Manager for Paediatric Unit, Integrated Unit and Haemodialysis Center from Hong Kong Adventist Hospital would share her experiences as the pilot nursing floor at the planning stage for nursing practices. She would also share how she handles the associated changes on different stages; negotiates with the contactors and installation; collaborates with various departments within the Hospital, etc. "
Speaker: Ms Gladys, Pui Cheung, HO, RN BSN MSN, Unit Manager of Paediatric Unit, Integrated Unit & Haemodialysis Center, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital
Bio: Ms Gladys Ho graduated from University of Toronto with Bachelor of Nursing on 1995; then moved back to Hong Kong after graduation. She worked in Hong Kong Adventist Hospital on various nursing departments since then. On 2006, she has completed her Master of Nursing Degree in Polytechnic University. She is now serving as Unit Manager for Paediatric Unit, Integrated Unit and Haemodialysis Center.
Please email your full name and phone number to with email subject as “Seminar RSVP” for a confirmation within 2 days. First-Come-First-Served.
(Data collected will be solely for internal use only.)LANGUAGE OF PRESENTATION
Cantonese, supplemented with English terms.
Please email or call 3488 3762.
eHealth ConsortiumCO-ORGANIZERS
Hong Kong Society of Medical Informatics
Internet Professional Association
NursInfo (Hong Kong)
Thank you for attending the seminar. Please click here to download the presentation file in PDF format (828KB).