We cordially invite you and your organization to participate in the development of eHealth by joining the Consortium as a member! The inaugural annual membership subscription of eHealth Consortium Limited ("eHCL") has commenced on 1 January 2010. Contact us for details.
Please click here to see our Member Directory
Membership Scheme
The inaugural Annual Membership Subscription of the eHCL Membership Scheme commences on 1 Jan 2010. Nominations by existing members have been waived for the inaugural year of the Membership Scheme. Membership subscriptions will be renewed automatically at the beginning of each calendar year. Corporate Members and NGO Members have full voting rights while Individual Members do not have voting rights. A person can be a Representative of only one Corporate Member or NGO Member, while that person can be an individual member at the same time.
Professional Networking
eHC members would have the opportunities to network, share experience and exchange ideas with professional locally and experts from around the world in the healthcare and IT fields, by attending activities organized by eHCL at preferential rates.
Training Opportunities
Conferences, seminars, trainings provide great changes to excel your professionalism. The eHealth Forum, held in 2006 and 2009 in Hong Kong, is one of the most notable and signature events held in the region. Privileged discount and priority registration would be offered to members.
Awareness and Advocacy
Members would have chances to contribute and advocate ideas leading up to eHCL's vision and mission, for the betterment of the eHealth development in Hong Kong.
Increased Knowledge
Members would receive eHCL's quarterly newsletter delivered by email to learn about the latest eHealth development in Hong Kong.
Free Advertisement and Event Listing in Quarterly eNewsletter
Free half-page color advertisement for every Corporate and NGO Member in 2011 and free announcement in calendar of events related to healthcare/IT, plus prefertial rates on advertisement. More details can be found here.
Admission Requirement
Organizations and individuals interested in the work of eHC, whose line of work is healthcare and/or IT related, are welcome to join. Applications with one existing eHC member as the nominator and two as seconders are normally required, but waived for the inaugural year of the membership scheme.
Application Method
Organizations and individuals interested to join the eHealth Consortium as
members can obtain the corresponding Annual Membership Subscription Application
Form from the Secretariat.
Application Review and Approval
Each application is reviewed by the Secretariat and approved by the Board.
Subscription Fees
Subscription fees should be made with a crossed check payable to "eHealth Consortium Limited", posted along with a completed membership application form to "eHealth Consortium Limited, Room 1207C, 12/F, Block B, Hong Kong Industrial Centre, 489-491 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong". The full name and phone number of the subscriber should be written on the back of the check.
Memberships will usually take effect two to four weeks after the application and payment has been received. Rejected applications would receive full refunds. Members who join the Consortium after 1 January will also pay the full annual subscription fee upon application, but will receive credit for the portion unused in the next membership billing. Memberships will be renewed automatically at the beginning of each calendar year and the subscription fee for the year would be due four weeks before the start of the calendar year.
Membership Scheme and Subscription Fees are subject to annual review by the Board (or by any of its Committee of relevance).
Membership Types - Corporate Members
Being a Corporate Member your company or organization will have the most direct access to information and decision making process on eHC. As a Corporate Member, decisions affecting implementation and news about our organization are at your disposal. You are an active participant in shaping future enhancements to our work.
The Representatives of a Corporate Membership are entitled to vote. The Additional Representative(s), if any, of the Corporate Member are non-voting. A Corporate Member's Representatives may be replaced, with a written request from the Corporate Member, subject to the approval of eHC.
There are three categories of Corporate Memberships:
- Platinum Corporate Members are entitled to a maximum of five (5) votes, each exercised by a nominated Representative. The Annual Membership Subscription Fee is HKD 5,000.
- Gold Corporate Members are entitled to a maximum of three (3) votes, each exercised by a nominated Representative. The Annual Membership Subscription Fee is HKD 3,000.
- Silver Corporate Members are entitled to a maximum of one (1) vote exercised by a nominated Representative. The Annual Membership Subscription Fee is HKD 1,000.
Membership Types - NGO Members
NGO Memberships are invitations to non-profit organizations and NGOs, related to healthcare and/or IT, which would like to support eHC as voting members and contribute to the ongoing work of eHC. Each NGO Member would nominate one representative who would be entitled to vote. The Additional Representative(s), if any, of the NGO Member are non-voting. A NGO Member's representatives may be replaced, with a written request from the NGO Member, subject to the approval of eHC.
Membership Types - Individual Members
Individual Memberships are available to individuals who are interested in the work of eHC and whose job is healthcare and/or IT related. Individual Members may include implementers, end-users, researchers, scholars, and students. The Annual Membership Subscription Fee is HKD 100 and has been waived in the inaugural year of the membership scheme. Individual members do not have voting rights.
Enquiries pertaining to the membership scheme or eHC in general should be forwarded to the eHealth Consortium Secretariat:
By Post Room 1207C, 12/F, Block B, Hong Kong Industrial Centre,
489-491 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
By Email
By Phone +852 3488 3762
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